Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Grandma Debi Turns 50!

Yes I am still alive. It has been a busy few weeks. Lots of parties and getting ready for my sisters wedding. I have had lots going on at work and home. It has been fun but exhausting. Here are some pictures and memories from the past few weeks.

I went to visit my sister Catherine for the weekend and to celebrate my Birth mom's 50 birthday. It was a wonderful time. My sister made the cake, and we were able to have Nana and papa (Debi's parents), my brother's (Ben & Mike), and my aunt Carole and her husband. It was a beautiful sunny day and we BBQ and visited. I am thankful and blessed everyday to be a part of this family. My Nana talked about how when you are faithful to God everything works together for His will and purpose. I looked around the room and saw so many blessings that had come from tough decisions, heartache, scary moments, and making the unpopular decision. But here we sat with blessings and love, God's mercy and safety.

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