For three days we (me, my kids, sister Nelly, her two kids, and lil sis crystal and her daughter)went to Lake Tyee to hang out at the cabin. My mother in law owns the cabin and has been so wonderful in letting us use it each year. The above picture is all the kids in the bathroom brushing their teeth. Sooo cute sharing tooth paste and talking about their plans for the day.
We went to the pool seven times in our three days. It was so much fun playing in the pool. Madison is a little fish, Emma is still unsure, Izzy is the boss, patience loves to float, and Olivia spends more time under water then above.
The girls brought their bikes. This is patience (Nelly's three year old daughter) she was showing me her new "trick".
They parked all their bikes together biggest to smallest. Its a big deal in this clan who is the oldest.
Emma and P in the pool.
Our constant games of UNO...I believe the rules change from game to game however no one will ever admit that. Lots of laughs.
Patience and Emma in the loft. They thought they were hot stuff because they could touch the ceiling. They were jumping on the bed and watching "Care Bear" movies.
Little sis, Crystal, reading "People" magazine. When we get together someone always brings the gossip magazine so we can catch-up. This article was on the Pitt-Jolee twins. We gotta find some drama in other people lives that over shadow our own mom drama.
Emma and P helping each other across the road. So cute, they are best buddies. Last year they had a few spats but they are three now and way more mature.
The FROG HUNTERS. The girls spent much of their time searching for these small baby frogs all over the lake.
So whenever we get together we have crab. One of the uncles works for a seafood plant and so we get free crab legs. Melt some butter and we were all over that.
Our little cabin.
Our kitchen that our kids call the "one butt" kitchen. Only one mommy's butt can be in there at a time.
I hope that we can continue this tradition each year. There are no cell phones, TV, or Internet so we all get quality time with each other. We have so much fun, telling stories, cooking, swimming, slumber party, movies, playing games, and nature. Eight girls in a cabin!
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