Friday, March 14, 2008

Just Starting Out

Ok so this is my first attempt at blogging (I think that is what its called). I decided everyone else is doing it and since I am such a follower I made a page myself. I don't know how I am going to find time to blog, Myspace, and face book but we will take a stab at it. I am hopping that this blog will keep family and friends up to date on the latest with the girls. I wish I would of been able to do this when the girls were in the hospital or when Gregg and I were in quarantine with Maddy for three years. But never late then never.
I also want to say that those of you who filled out the survey and said I play by the rules all the time....I want you to know I put BRIGHT Pink/Red highlights in my hair. (don't worry Sister I wont have it for the wedding in June).


  1. Hi Alli,

    How fun! I'm glad you're doing this. I think about you guys daily!

    Love: Carrie

  2. Yayyyy! You are a blogger now girlfriend. Whoo hooo.
    This is a total blast, I had no idea. I am just amazed that you didn't do it before I did, being that you are techy-mamma, and I'm so not. (and for the record, I did it all with out Adrain's help...) look at me, I'm becoming a liberated woman. lol
    love ya girl,

  3. Oh, and one more thing... I did not say you were never a rebel... I know you have an inner rebel!! Way to go with the streaks in the hair, can't wait to see them.
    you wild child you...
