Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Personal Ice Rink.....

Sunday I was feeling like I had accomplished many of my tasks on my list. Everyone has that one room/closet/area that never seems to get cleaned because it is the last on you list. This would be my bedroom. Simply no one sees it but me and that is where I shove everything when people come over. (My secret is out!) So that morning I had heard my sweet husband tell Madison to "listen to your mom and help her out today because she is tired". Oh I think how sweet is that? It proceeds as a typical Sunday and I am thinking to myself .... self look at what you have accomplished today....then Emma started yelling that Madison wasn't letting her slide. I run downstairs to see that they have turned my kitchen into a ice rink with apple juice and chocolate chip mint ice cream. Why that combo? I have no idea. Well MEAN mommy came out. I yelled "what are you doing?", "Why would you do this to me?". I told Maddy she had to go to her room and no TV (yes my kids have TVs in their rooms....whatever if your judging). People I had to strip Emma, her hair was sticking straight up from her head. So while she stood naked in my room watching Noggin and Madison was screaming about how I never am any fun I started cleaning my floor. I was on my hands and knees in the mess trying to clean it up when my husband calls. I tell him the horror his comment...."Where were you?".....to which I said "Sitting on my ass eating Bon Bons".....he did not think I was funny....Hours later it was resolved...Emma was bathed, Madison had to vacuum and owed me 2.50 for the apple juice and no TV for the night and the next day til she paid me back with her time. (Thanks Love and Logic I owe you for that one).


  1. Sister....I love you. The unicorns WILL come back someday...lol

  2. OH That was good... er, bad... but you know what I mean!

    Way to go with the charging... lol

    I bet she loves to finger paint?! lol

    love ya

  3. That is hilarious!! How on earth did they come up with that combo? And I have to tell you the fact that they are still alive is a testament to the good mom that you are. Hee hee. I too love love and logic.
